Our Partnership

Mengenal Cewek Lebih Jauh

1. GIRLS ALWAYS LOVE FUNNY GUYS (...and you should have know this.) that's why we love FOOLING around

[Cewek tuh sukanya ma cowok yang lucu (...agan harus tau itu). itu alasannya mengapa kita suka jatuh cinta dengan situasi sekitar]

2. Don't ever lie to us, because we will always know, and it hurts. and the truth, is sometimes ugly, dear

[jangan pernah bohong gan, karena kalo sista2 tau agan2 bohong. itu nyakitin hatinya sista banget. dan kebenaran yang terungkap nantinya akan menjadi sangat buruk]

3. Don't compare our boobs with Pamela Anderson's, hers are fake (and you should have know this too) the smaller a boy's brain, the bigger the chance they'll look at your chest, i'm a well educated fool. but don't get me wrong, we'd LOVE to see you naked.

(jangan samain dada kami ama pamela anderson, punyanya dia itu imitasi= itu pikiran agan yang berotak kecil. . tapi jangan salah kami juga suka kalo liat agan berpenampilan keren)=ane edit gan... artinya soalnya jorok...

4. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook. Say it frequently and we're gonna think you're an asshole. and the fact that you said "don't ever lie to us" what if it's the truth? girls are sweet.

[jangan keseringan ngegombal atau ngerayu gan, kalo terlalu sering agan lakukan itu sista bisa eneg lama2 karena sista pikir agan boong....]

5. Make us curious, in a sweet way.

6.Don't sing us corny love songs. (Some girls might loooove that, but I hate that. Just DON'T ever sing me Secondhand Serenade.)

7. Tell us about your secret make us feel special.

[menceritakan rahasiamu membuat kami merasa sepesial]

8. Don't hide anything. At least don't be suspicious. Don't make us clueless and guessing about what we're afraid of. try reading our gesture better.

[jangan ada yang diumpetin]

9. Make us laugh. But DON'T make fun of us, even if it's a joke. Some girls are just too sensitive.

(buat kami tertawa tapi jangan jadikan kami bahan tertawaan)

10. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.

11. We hate your ex- girlfriends. and we hate yours too.

12. It is not that cool to shoot snot rockets. and some of us dont think nail polish are cool.

13. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emit other strange gases from your body, it is not. likewise.

14. Girls love guy who love his family, especially his mom. boys love it when a girl could impress their mom.

(cewek suka cowok yang bisa membaur ma keluarganya)

15. BE SPONTANEOUS. Any sweet things you do if you do it on purpose I might just think you did that to all other girls. spontaneous, or impulsive?

16. When you're hanging out with some of your pretty girl friends (or worse, your flirty ex girlfriend), you make us feel insecure, and we hate that. believe me, we know

17. If you remember some of the little things about our habits, we really really think you're super sweet.

(kalo agan pinter inget2 sesuatu kebiasaan kecil kami, kami merasa agan2 sangat manis(maksudnya perhatian kali) )

18. Give us some space. Shower us with attention, not a terror with SMS / phone call everyday. likewise

(intinya beri kebebasan, jangan sering2 sms kayak tukang nagih utang)

19. DON'T apologize if you don't really know what's your fault. (I hate this "Apologize if you did something wrong, or even if you didn't" because yea other girls might forgive you, but it wont work if you're with me.)

(jangan minta maaf terhadap kesalahan yang agan gak tau kesalahan apa yang udah agan lakukan, itu membuat sista merasa agan gak serius minta maaf)

20. Most importantly: we are always right; so don't forget it. no way. you FEEL like you are, but we THINK that you dont.

agan merasa diri agan udah semaksimal mungkin, tapi sista gak berpikiran seperti itu...


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